IDN: Indigenous 101 / The Basics
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5 Things We Need to Stop Saying About Indigenous People
Wab Kinew gives us a primer on stereotypes about Indigenous people.
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Posted by jacky
Être Autochtone, loin des mythes
À l'occasion de la Semaine d'actions contre le racisme, une ethnologue huronne-wendate, Isabelle Picard, jette un regard sur la perception, souvent erronée, des Autochtones. Elle revient sur plusieurs préjugés et stéréotypes associés à ces derniers.
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What does being Indigenous mean?
We asked, and you shared with us your experiences of being Indigenous. To mark National Indigenous Peoples Day, we're sharing the profiles of 18 Indigenous leaders and change-makers.
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Understanding Aboriginal Identity
Understanding Aboriginal Identity explores the complex issue of self-identification for Aboriginal people. Today, Aboriginal identity remains inextricably linked with past government legislation and the continued stereotyping of Aboriginal people in the media and Canadian history. From a Metis farm in rural Alberta to the offices of Canada’s leading scholars, Understanding Aboriginal Identity examines the factors that shape who we are.
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Settlers with Opinions
A leading Indigenous academic says too many Canadians take ugly pleasure in being ignorant about Indigenous issues. It's time for some straight talk about Settlers with Opinions.
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Vous avez posé des questions sur les Autochtones, ils répondent | Autochtones | Rad
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