IDN - Decolonizing Education
". . . education can be liberating, or it can domesticate or maintain domination. It can sustain colonization in neo-colonial ways or it can decolonize."
- Marie Battiste, in Decolonizing Education, p. 175.
Posted by jacky
How academia uses poverty, oppression, and pain for intellectual masturbation
I am concerned about how the term is beginning to evoke a practice of getting rid of colonial practices by those operating fully under those practices. Decolonization sounds and means different things to me, a woman of color, than to a white person. And why does this matter? Why does my skin itch when I hear the term in academic white spaces where POC remain tokens? Why does my throat become a prison of words that cannot be digested into complete sentences? Is it because in these "decolonizing" practices we are being colonized once again?
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Posted by jacky
Academics can change the world – if they stop talking only to their peers
Very few academics do a great deal to share their often important and relevant research with the general public. What's holding them back?
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Posted by jacky
Disrupting Stereotypes - Dr. John-Paul Restoule & Dr. Angela Nardozi
A webinar hosted October 23, 2018 by Dr. Jean-Paul Restoule & Dr. Angela Nardozi
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Posted by jacky
Posted by jacky